Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Take Two

1) A popular anecdote (although one contradicted by historical evidence) recounts that the 11th-century Hoysala king Veera Ballala II, while on a hunting expedition, lost his way in the forest. Tired and hungry, he came across a poor old woman who served him boiled beans. The grateful king named the place "benda kaal-ooru" (literally, "town of boiled beans"), which was eventually colloquialised to ?

2) There is a well-known but untrue story which says that in 1791 a Dublin theater owner named James Daly made a bet that he could introduce a word into the language within twenty-four hours. He then went out and hired a group of street urchins to write the word,which says thatwhich was a nonsense word, on walls around the city of Dublin. Within a day, the word was common currency and had acquired a meaning (since no one knew what it meant, everyone thought it was some sort of test) and Daly had some extra cash in his pocket.What word?

3) A special edition of Playboy has been published since 1970.This version includes all the written words in the normal magazine, but no pictorial representations. Congress cut off funding for this translation in 1985, but U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Hogan reversed the decision on First Amendment grounds.What is so special about this edition?

4) An epitome of beauty, she is full of grace, radiates warmth and keeps you comfortable in every way. She is indeed X Y _______ - which distinguishes her from her counterparts in other jobs. A typical X Y _______ is warm with a pleasing personality. A keen interest in people and places along with being dedicated and conscientious is what makes her unique. She is intelligent, committed, enthusiastic and creative. Her traditional welcome is like no other's and for her it is a pleasure more than a duty to serve you as a special guest aboard X Y. What is X Y?

5) According to an October 10, 2006 Wall Street Journal article,Chad Hurley worked in eBay's X division -- one of his tasks involved designing the original X logo before starting Y with fellow X colleagues Steve Chen and Jawed Karim.What is X and Y?

6) A 47 year old journalist, a 44 year old actress/writer, a 23 year old former beauty queen, a 61 year old actor, a 22 year old rock singer, a 29 year old singer/actor, a 19 year old football agent, a 25 year old reality TV star and her mom, Michael Jackson's brother, a 27 year old singer, a 79 year old film director, a 58 year old Singer/Songwriter and X.What are we talking about and who is X?

7) Name the company that recently launched this device.

8) The picture shows the calender of the year 1752. Strangely, September has 11 days missing. Explain why and name the concept which resulted from this.

9) This is also known as crooked cross,fylfot,gammadion,sun wheel,Thor's hammer,etc. How do we know it better?
10) Name this best selling author.